Top 50 Global Program

We provide the city measurement and benchmarks for African Mayors to compare against the top global smart cities. We offer this on a year on year via our subscription program. We are committed to helping Africa Mayors make their cities great. Firstly, the cities have to measure and compare among themselves to stimulate competition. We then compare them against their counter-parts within the continent. We then take them globally to compare against the global best. We are confident that our Program is aligned to many Mayor’s development programs and goals in making their cities sustainable.

Top 50 Africa Program

This Program offers mayors across countries to nominate their cities for benchmark and measurement within the continent. By joining this Program Mayors qualify to also join the Top-50 Global Program at the same time. The Covid-19 pandemic has reaffirmed the need for sustainable and resilient urban development strategies worldwide.

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Top 50 Africa Program

Top 50 In-Country Program

Mayors select and join this Program because they are at the beginning stage in the development of their cities on the path to becoming a smart city. Qualifying cities are presented each year for the top country smart cities. In African countries, where urban growth, combined with the transformation of the rural world, and rapid population growth are confronting cities with major socio-economic and environmental challenges.

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Top 50 In-Country Program

Why The Top 50 Program

In an increasingly urban world, where 70% of the world’s population will live in cities by 2050, cities are on the front line of development challenges like the impacts of climate change, increasing human mobility, population growth, and growing social inequalities.

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Why The Top 50 Program

Our Professional Team

A Team with diverse skills, academic and industry experience to engage and deliver professional advise to the Mayors, Municipal Managers, Governors across the continent.

Jabu MadlalaFounder

Bringing global experience. Worked with several governments in the Africa continent on various projects. Has wealth of global management consulting experience.

Jabu MadlalaFounder

Bringing global experience. Worked with several governments in the Africa continent on various projects. Has wealth of global management consulting experience.

Moira ThomasMemberships And Corporate Services

Brings in wealth of general administration, smart agriculture, urban farming business models and skills. Has worked in several continents including USA, Central America.

Moira ThomasMemberships And Corporate Services

Brings in wealth of general administration, smart agriculture, urban farming business models and skills. Has worked in several continents including USA, Central America.

Thembi SibiyaStakeholder And Government Liaison

Bring legal, corporate secretariat experience. She has worked for several law firms and private companies as legal counsel. Understands policy, international relations and bileteral agreements.

Thembi SibiyaStakeholder And Government Liaison

Bring legal, corporate secretariat experience. She has worked for several law firms and private companies as legal counsel. Understands policy, international relations and bileteral agreements.


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